Different From The Rest.
Same day payments, 24/7 access to your documents via our app and our fantastic customer service. Experience the Contractor.com difference!
Same day payments, 24/7 access to your documents via our app and our fantastic customer service. Experience the Contractor.com difference!
See all of your payroll deductions clearly in the Contractor.com App, available whenever you need them and reach out to a member of the team via LiveChat!
With our Mobile App you will have on-demand access to your payroll, in real-time, no matter where you are.
We will let you know when you’ve been paid and when we create a new invoice so you are always in the loop with your payroll.
There are no hidden fees, all deductions will be detailed on your payslip for you to see, and the remaining funds will be paid to you on the same day!
We our proud to be Professional Passport and PayePass approved provider to ensure compliance for our contractors.
You can have the flexibility of Contracting, with all the benefits of full-time employment including Workplace Pension, Maternity/Paternity and Statutory Sick Pay, its all taken care of.
Phone, email or LiveChat via the app, our friendly and dedicated team are here whenever you need support with your payroll.
We reward our contractors when they refer a friend to Contractor.com. To say thank you our contractors will get a bonus for each referral they make.
At Contractor.com, we believe you should be able to see your payroll clearly! With our Mobile App you will have on-demand access to your payroll, in real-time, no matter where you are. You can access your Invoices, Payments and Payslips, anytime. We will notify you every time we raise an invoice or make a payment, meaning you always know what to expect. You can even check your hours before they are paid! Should you have any questions about your payroll, you can contact a member of our team on LiveChat!
Professional Passport Approved Provider.
Contractor.com is proud to be a Professional Passport accredited umbrella who is dedicated to providing a compliant payroll solution for Contractors. We understand the importance of having a payroll provider that you can trust. Compliance is at the center of everything we do, giving agencies and contractors the confidence and transparency that is, at times, lacking in our industry.
PayePass Verified Provider.
The PayePass Verify Award focuses on all the different processes involved in paying contractors via payroll. When an umbrella company displays a PayePass Verified Provider badge, it’s a guarantee that our internal team of lawyers, accountants and payroll experts have verified that it has correctly calculated every salary and paid HMRC exactly what is due.