Cookie Policy.

What is a Cookie?
A Cookie is a small file of data placed by a web server onto the device you use to access our website, (“This Site”). This is then returned by your device each time you access This Site and may be used to identify you or record your access to and/or use of This Site.

Why do we use Cookies?
This Site uses technologies, including Cookies, to ensure that it is fully accessible, is functioning correctly and that any issues are identified to enable us to improve the user experience.  

We recommend that you read this Cookie Policy and ensure that you understand it.

Your acceptance of this Cookie Policy is deemed to occur when you press the “accept” button on our Cookie pop-up. If you do not agree to this Cookie Policy, please stop using this site immediately.

What do Cookies do?
There are different types of Cookies. Each Cookie is placed by a party, each Cookie has a function and each Cookie is placed for a specified period. We set out below the types of Cookies we use on This Site, what they do and how long they are placed on your device for

and who places the Cookie.

Who places the Cookie?

  1. First-party Cookies are those placed directly by us and are used only by us.
  1. Third-party Cookies are those placed by third parties providing services to us that we do not deal with in-house, such as analytics.

What does the Cookie do?

  1. Strictly-necessary Cookies are essential to the operation of This Site and are required for certain functions such as logging into secure areas of This Site. This Site cannot function properly without these Cookies.
  1. Analytical Cookies record how many people visit This Site and analyse how they navigate it and the features they use. We use this information to improve how This Site works so that you can find what you need, easily.
  1. Functionality Cookies enable us to personalise This Site to each visitor by, for example, recognising them, using their name and remembering their preferences.

How long does the Cookie stay on your device?

  1. Session Cookies are temporary and remain on your device for the duration of your visit to This Site. They are removed when you end your visit by closing your browser.
  1. Persistent Cookies are activated when you visit This Site and will remain active on your device for one year.






This contains a unique identifier and is set by our case management system (“CMS”) for security purposes. When a page is loaded, this Cookie is sent to our server, letting it know that the request is genuine.

– First Party

-Strictly Necessary

– Session

End of Session


This contains a unique identifier and is set by our CMS. It allows our server to keep track of information across multiple pages/requests.

– First Party

-Strictly Necessary

– Session

End of Session


This is set by Google Analytics. It contains a unique identifier generated by Google and is used to identify/distinguish users.

– Third-Party

– Analytics

– Persistent

1 year


This is set by Google Analytics. It contains a unique identifier generated by Google and is used to identify/distinguish users.

– Third-Party

– Analytics

– Persistent

1 year


This is set by Google Analytics. It contains a number that determines how often requests are sent to Google, with the intention of minimizing the number of requests sent.

– Third-Party

– Analytics

– Persistent

1 year


This is set by us. It contains either true or false and determines whether or not the disclaimer message is shown on the page load.

– First Party

– Functionality

– Persistent

1 year


This Cookie is set by us. It contains a single number and is added by the ‘How it works’ page if/when you are sent a code to verify your mobile number. The number is an ID and tells our server which records to check your verification code against.

– First Party

– Functionality

– Persistent

1 year


This Cookie is set by us. It contains either true or false and determines whether you see the ‘enter your mobile’ or ‘enter your code’ pop-up on the ‘how it works’ page

– First Party

– Functionality

– Persistent

1 year

verified mobile number

This Cookie is set by us. It contains either true or false and determines whether you’re able to access the ‘how it works’ page, or not.

– First Party

– Functionality

– Persistent

1      year

How can I manage Cookies?
Before Cookies are placed on your device, you will be shown a pop-up requesting your consent to set those Cookies. By giving such consent, you enable us to provide the best possible experience and service to you when you use This Site.

You can control Cookies through your browser and block or change their permissions. You can find more information at

The links below provide instructions on how to control Cookies in the listed mainstream browsers:

PLEASE NOTE: If you block all Cookies (including essential Cookies) this may make browsing This Site slower and you may not be able to access all or parts of it.

Information About Us
This Site is owned and operated by Contractordotcom Limited, a limited company registered in England under company number 13541084 trading as whose registered address is 301 Spaces Tea Factory, St Peters Square, Liverpool L1 4D.

Our data protection officer is Lauren Andre, and can be contacted by email at, by telephone on 0330 122 2022, or by post at the address set out above.

The provisions of the current and in effect, Cookie Policy shall prevail over any and all previous versions unless it is expressly stated otherwise by us in writing.